Thursday, October 4, 2012

4th Oct ! :)

Hello Babyy Girl !
Today hehe ! Keep late reply yaa :x Cause I keep forgetting >< Forgive me okay ? :P I will try my best to replyyyy ! Hehe, and was so happy to see you today ! ^^ Wanted to give you a hug when I see you but I SO shy :x and I promise ! I will check one letter everyday :) hehe , even though I really really just wanna one time open all to see lah :P today I opened 'Hope I enjoy my birthday dinner ^^ with jodi and steve' Yeahh ! Its the first time i see you eat so much ! of course happy lah cause you plan one leaaa :) dearyy ! something random ! everyone makes mistake, me you, everyone.. so must learn to understand okay ? no matter who but they do mistakes because no ones perfect :P kay kay ? i appreciate the super letters ! SO SWEET ^^ still thinking what the graduation gift is ! :@

dear ! dont need to wake me up one ! it should be other way round ! suppose my wake you ! cause you my zhu zhu mah :x hopefully everything so smooth tomorrow okay ? I think your asleep cause your not replying ! I love youuu !
SweetestDreamOfMe:x HUGGSSyoutosleep ! LOVEEE YOUUU ! ^^

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