Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10th October :)

Hey hello baby girl ! Good morning ! Well ... in our relationship.. I think its really tough yeah ? Somehow we manage to pull through :) I really just hope, love will be the reason we are still holding on ya? Really appreciate for everything you know? You always like to help.. sometimes carried away by stuff. Wanna tell you, you must really manage whats at the top first ya? I really hope ya know :) Lastly ! I love youu heheee .
Promises I said, I will keep... Today I opened " what makes a rs last is the amount of effort both people put into the relationship ! I wanna promise this time, I will not give up anymore ! lets jys !" Haha dear ! that truth :) I also promise so ! Okay? lets just jiayou tgt ! :>  well for now ! i shall say gdnightts ya ?

HopeYaDreamOfMe:) Good nights <3 Love you ! Super miss you now !

Monday, October 8, 2012

Two sided you meant?

From now on, you want my other side that treat you totally good gone right? Cause its so hard to believe right? Now I grant you, listen, I only have two sides when people becomes close to me. For instances like Johnathan, when he do something wrong, I will be the original me and scold him if I need to. Cause I dont go fight with integrity. My second side comes when I treat him different from others, the trust given to him compared to others would totally be different. And I of course would treat him better than other friends. Thats the same thing I am trying to explain. The real me is really harsh. Cause I just say whatever I should say and go with whats right. The one caring about you that you dont believe? Been always ranted by you and doesnt say a thing. Even when being hurt? You think its easy? Someone who I really love so much. Its not easy at all. Now I said whatever that is in this two side thing. Going bathe, later then reply your message.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Is it really true that I should treat you the same like others ? I am sad because your the only one that I treat super nice but then doesnt make use of it. That make me think that I am taken as granted. I knew you still dont wanna do that little bit. We not gonna go anywhere but quarrel.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hello baby girl ! Now you like super sad.. you thought I forgot about you but I never... After I arrived home, I cough none stop.. and after bathe.. my body super hot... :( Having fever... So had medicine first... Today super happy ! Even after you quarrel with me last night.. you still came to my house accompany me go haircut ^^ And dear remember do rest than do the grad present okay ? Cause its really time consuming ! Remember to mange your time... ! Happy with you today hehe ! Really enjoyed ya? Sorry had work so cannot accompany you dinner ! My bad ! Soon we will travel the whole Singapore okay ? <3 Love ya ! ^^

Today I opened;"Stupid time table of yours! Cannot meet up le la! Find time for me okay ? I miss you a lot !" Haha dearr ! I miss you alot alot too ! <3 Of course I will find time for you ! If the person is important to you, no matter how busy you are, you will always find him for him or her <3 :))

Goodnights,SleepTights,ILoveYou,Misses,Huggs !
                                                                                                         -Yaosiang baby boyyyy

Untold story,

Hello baby girl ! Yesterday I toh already so never update blog, this is to repaid ya okay ? I am so sorry for what happened yesterday... But theres something I wanna tell ya. From my previous relationship, no matter what happen.. I will just tend to keep it to myself. Slowly, I will gather more and more secrets keeping them to myself. Soon I explode, then I would said everything out... that is when miscommunication happens, I really hope history dont happen again. Cause by keeping to yourself its a dead end for us you understand ? I am so sorry, but if you understand ... trust take times to build.. and take seconds to destroy... so ya...

Yesterday ! I read the letter ! I opened ;"Hey, I love you. Promise me you will always be there for me? Try la even if you cant I also will !" Hehe , Its sweet. I will try as much as possible but there priority to things ya? Like if something happened of course I will try my best to be there ya ? I love you too ! Hope we really last and hope we continue to solve problems.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

4th Oct ! :)

Hello Babyy Girl !
Today hehe ! Keep late reply yaa :x Cause I keep forgetting >< Forgive me okay ? :P I will try my best to replyyyy ! Hehe, and was so happy to see you today ! ^^ Wanted to give you a hug when I see you but I SO shy :x and I promise ! I will check one letter everyday :) hehe , even though I really really just wanna one time open all to see lah :P today I opened 'Hope I enjoy my birthday dinner ^^ with jodi and steve' Yeahh ! Its the first time i see you eat so much ! of course happy lah cause you plan one leaaa :) dearyy ! something random ! everyone makes mistake, me you, everyone.. so must learn to understand okay ? no matter who but they do mistakes because no ones perfect :P kay kay ? i appreciate the super letters ! SO SWEET ^^ still thinking what the graduation gift is ! :@

dear ! dont need to wake me up one ! it should be other way round ! suppose my wake you ! cause you my zhu zhu mah :x hopefully everything so smooth tomorrow okay ? I think your asleep cause your not replying ! I love youuu !
SweetestDreamOfMe:x HUGGSSyoutosleep ! LOVEEE YOUUU ! ^^

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Hello wifeee :x ! ONE DAY you will be my wifeee :) 

Wahahahaa ! I realise this few days you keep play as my alarm ! But ya knoww ? I can wake up derhh :) I heartpain see you wake up so early just to wake meee ! >< So you rest okayyy ? ^^ Dont purposely wake up to wake meee ! I will heart pain ! Today didnt text you much cause I practical ! Glad you understand heheee . ! 

Oh yaaa . ! Maybe sometimes, like Jialing, just not to cause misunderstanding, you can just ask her or him :) in any situation just dare to ask. cause if you dont ask , you will never know ! Agree ? ^^ As long as you trust the person is speaking the truth laaa ! Anyway whole day, I super miss you! keep check phone got text message anot only during practical never check :x cook you the dessert soon kay ? its really naisee ^^ 

hmmm , ahma loves youuuu ! LOL random ! just stating fact ya ! Dont no why ... its like God want me to tell you thissss lohh ;x 

SWEETEST DREAMMM ^^ I will protect you no matter what ^^ 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A little help.

I know exactly whats happening around. Just maybe, if you think a little more positive which is impossible, I won't be influence by people cause I live the way I want to. And your the first, the ever first, to take control of me instead of me being the boss. No one ever, my friends, no one dares to even scold me, shout at me, ignore me, only you. I guess that is because you cared and you have a very very stubborn personality, and right, no one is perfect. Maybe you can try this... pull back a little, just enjoy the process of being love, dont get angry, because one your angry, I cant love you, you will think negative, thats why. Therefore, just allow me to do it, as long as your not angry, I try my best to love you. Cause when you angry, I totally got no confidence, try not to put in so much for this period. But of course, still love me larh xD Okiee ?

Iloveyou,Ihugyou,Ikissyou, Nights,Sweetdreams,Sleeptights.

                                                                                                                 -Baby boy.

Monday, October 1, 2012

1st Oct ♥♥

Yessss ! We are finally alright :D You gave us second chance, remember there won't be a third chance, cause it hardly comes. And your so fcking sweet, called my from 6:2Oam to 6:3Oam none stop ! Thanks dear :> Walao ! But delay you from preparing to school >< ! Well ! I hope you like the pooh bear :) really hope you like it ! and usually i dont write ... so ... sorry for the ugly handwriting :x I tried my best le ! Dont so worry for my coughing okay ? Its gonna get well soon :x ! and dont ever feel bad for me okay ? just do your best and dont regret ! thats all I ask for <3 :) hopefully we will last till marriage HEHE. really missing you now ! good nights , sweet dreams, muacks ! baobao :)