Monday, August 6, 2012

5th August 2012

- SERVICE 3 at 1PM
- WORK at 5:3OPM !
WOKE UP ! Still so fucking tired :( Been tired for 4 days already ! Thanks God for the strength you gave me ! Haha ! My faith still staying strong ! I still talks , worship ^^ . FINALLY ITS LIKE SO LONG I BEEN TO CHURCH ! FAITH ARISE ! On the service only 1 tear flow down HAHA :) Covered my eyes during service because I tired ! JEFFREY THOUGHT I WAS CRYING HAHA :P We both know how that feels ya ? Then went to my workplace , talk talk here , slack slack there before work :DD catching up with colleagues ! Everything went smooth at work ! <3 thanks to EMILY AND 4EVER ! They are always helping me ! >< Still so slow at closing bar ! Need to put in extra speed to it !

Haha ... Well , I am happy I could send you home ? Just that I really thinks that handling a relationship is hard for me , I still have problems with myself now . If I would find a girlf , she would be my wife , I dont want to have anymore other relationships cause I still believe in happy ever after . Just take care of yourself ! ^^

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